Similarly to 1907, The French part of the Mediterranean Arc experienced a series of acute rainy periods that spread throughout the area.
Beginning on 12 to 15 March, the rain fell especially on the Aude, Tarn and Hérault.
On 1 to 5 June, it was the turn of PACA and in particular, the Queyras (05) where the downpours doubled up with a “Retour d’Est”.
Thereafter, heavy thunderstorms hit the South West, on 12 July while, finally, in autumn following torrential rain in the Montpellier area on 31 October, further prolonged rain from 1 to 9 October fell on the entire Mediterranean Arc, especially the Var and Alpes Maritimes where catastrophic flooding occurred once again.
The Argens River, together with other water courses such as the Giscle and Siagne began to flood.
Finally, it was the turn of the Pyrénées Orientales to experience the floodwaters on 12 to 21 November.

Photo: EPTB* Orb and Libron.

the Argens on 6 November.
Photo: Gendarmerie Nationale, Var police force.

Photo: SDIS* 83

Photo: Gendarmerie Nationale, Var police force.

Photo: ONF/RTM* 66.